Sakura dungeon monk
Sakura dungeon monk

Get Forest Spirit and Tatsu to 8 in all stats and stop there- Ceri should already be 8 in all stats by this point, don’t give her any more seeds…ĪP is everything in this game, it is what determines if you can act, dodge, get critical hit, and even hugely impacts “flow”. Once Sand Sentinel hits 8 in all stats give her all the HUGE DEX seeds. Once Succubus hits 8 in all stats give her all HUGE STR and VIT seeds. ITEMS: All + res seeds still go on Sylvi, once Sylvi hits 8 in all stats only give her HUGE AGI and MNTL seeds. PARTY: Sylvi + Succubus + Sand Sentinel + Forest Spirit + Tatsu + Ceri* (has to be in party) ITEMS: All + res/SMALL/MEDIUM/LARGE stat seeds go on Sylvi, if Sylvi has 4/6/8 in stat give the SMALL/MEDIUM/LARGE stat seed to Ceri. ITEMS: All + res/SMALL/MEDIUM stat seeds go on Sylvi, if Sylvi has 4/6 in stat give the SMALL/MEDIUM stat seed to Ceri. PARTY: Ceri + Sylvi + whoever you have captured Frankly I don’t see a reason to NOT have the beta branch enabled so if you haven’t done so yet, go ahead and do some right now!Ĭlick on Library in Steam, find this game in your Steam Library, right click game and select “properties”, click on “betas” tab and “opt into” beta branch. I get a lot of questions about issues in the game that have been solved in the “beta branch” of the game and simply activating the games “beta branch option” would solve their issues. In addition to dungeon exploring, Sakura Dungeon is also packed with extensive dialogue and plenty of gorgeous backdrops and cutscene artwork for the player to unlock as they carefully navigate their way through the dungeon.WHAT DOES THIS GUIDE HAVE?~Everything~WHAT DOES THIS GUIDE NOT HAVE~Massive spoilers spelling out every little detail on map~WHAT IF I WANT MASSIVE SPOILERS AND DETAILS ON MAP?~It won’t get any better than this~ WHY SUPPORT THIS GUIDE?~This guide was the first~WHY DOES THAT MATTER?~Others will pilfer work, claim it as their own~WHY TRUST ME?~100% in game achievements~WHY YOU ARE A ♥♥♥♥♥ IF YOU PILFER…~A LOT of work went into things such as the CG list, outfit list, and ancient luck statues list, ALL of which was done by me~THANKS FOR READING.~If you found the guide useful, be sure to upvote, thank you~ “Beta Branch”

sakura dungeon monk

One of the most important mechanics of Sakura Dungeon is the ‘capture’ mechanic, wherein the player will be able to capture monster girls they encounter and add them to their party. She soon discovers that it was a heroic knight who woke her from her slumber, and after a brief fight and “negotiation,” the knight decides to join her on an adventure to reclaim the dungeon! Together, they will unearth great treasures, reveal secrets and hidden rooms, and recruit monster girls to fight by their side.all while avoiding traps, fighting off dangerous enemies and bosses across multiple floors, and uncovering the devious plans of the new dungeon lord.

sakura dungeon monk

In this story players will assume the role of an ancient fox spirit who awakens after several hundred years of deep sleep to find that possession of her lovingly made dungeon has been taken from her! As if that wasn’t enough cause for alarm, she has also been robbed of her power, leaving her weak and vulnerable.

Sakura dungeon monk